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                            JON’S PARENTS
1st appearance: February 13,1980
Main characteristics: From farming stock, they care enthusiastcally and passionately for their animals and fields. They are very proud of their two children, Jon and Doc Boy.

Personality: Mom is an amazing cook (to Garfield’s delight). She believes in quality and quantity! Dad is down to earth and only has time for open air activities: harvesting, haymaking, milking cows, and gazing at the stars.

Catchphrase: “Welcome home, City Slicker!”

                           DOC BOY

1st appearance: May 17, 1983

Main characteristics: Jon’s only brother, he lives and works on the farm with his parents.

Personality: Doc’s the baby of the family, and still acts behaves like a little boy. The thing he hates most is his brother calling him “Doc Boy”

Catchphrase: “Don’t call me Doc Boy!”

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